Publicly available information

A written summary of the Due Diligence System must be provided to the certification body, including, at a minimum:

1) Supply area, specifying the country and associated risks.

2) Types of handled products, including names, species, and scientific names.

3) Annual quantity for each product group.

4) Reference to the relevant FSC risk assessment.

5) Sharing the organization's risk assessment, excluding confidential details.

6) Conclusions from the risk assessment and implemented risk reduction measures, along with sources of evidence used.

7) If applicable, describing how one consulted with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, or civil society organizations in the production area

8) Explaining the complaint filing procedure

9) Providing contact details of the person handling complaints

This written summary is made accessible to the public, preferably on the internet. The written summary of the DDS is reviewed and updated every year.

NOTE: The summary doesn't have to be in FSC's official languages (English, Spanish, or French)