FSC Regulatory Module

Taking the guesswork out
of EUDR compliance

FSC’s Regulatory Module supports FSC certificate holders in aligning their practices with Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 (EUDR) requirements and takes the guesswork out of compliance. The FSC Regulatory Module is a complementary standard to add on to existing FSC certification requirements for forest management, chain of custody, project certification, controlled wood and accreditation.

Due Diligence Requirements 

The objective of due diligence for products in the FSC Regulatory Module is to demonstrate that the following conditions are met: 

  • Forest products are deforestation-free; 

  • They have been produced in accordance with the relevant legislation of the country of production; 

  • Forest products are covered by a due diligence statement. 

Core elements of the additional due diligence requirements introduced in the module include: 

  • Information collection 

  • Risk assessment 

  • Risk mitigation 

How to start using?

STEP 1: Understand the steps and requirements in the Regulatory Module and how they apply to you with the FSC-EUDR Journey

STEP 2: Access the full FSC Regulatory Module here

More useful resources to start using the FSC Regulatory Module:

Information Booklet

Terms and Interpretations

Publication webinar video

Commonly asked questions

  • Certificate holders will need to request for a scope extension from their certification bodies to include the Regulatory Module and at minimum a desk-based audit will need to be done either during the next surveillance audit or as agreed with the certification body from 1 July 2024 (so not only from 1 January 2025). FSC recommends that certification bodies and certificate holders follow the development of the additional requirements to prepare accordingly and limit the time needed after 1 of July to prepare for inclusion of the Module and adapting to the system wide changes.

  • This standard is for voluntary use by organizations applying for or holding FSC certification to extend their certification scope to align with the EUDR. It can be used in addition to all existing certification types and includes accreditation requirements for certification bodies.
    The FSC Regulatory Module standard focuses on wood and wood-based products.

  • No, the FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on module only. Once the certificate holder includes the Module in its certification scope, the requirements become mandatory. FSC has opted for a voluntary approach due to the different levels of impact depending on the company’s activities or supply chain. To reduce the effort in demonstrating compliance with the EUDR in the EU supply chain, the certificate holder may request their suppliers to sell material with the Regulatory claim.

  • No, this is not a standalone set of requirements but rather an add-on module. Users must also either already be certified with FSC or selecting to include the FSC Regulatory Module as part of their certification process. How can we distinguish between operator and trader in FSC Requirements?
    The FSC Regulatory Module includes the definitions for “operator” and “trader” as well as icons to identify which requirement is relevant for which user-type based on the EUDR terminology of “operator”, “trader”, “SME,” and “non-SME.”

  • No, only competent authorities have the authority to verify compliance with the EUDR. FSC has included additional requirements that can support demonstrating this compliance by aligning FSC requirements with EUDR but the decision still rests solely on the competent authority. Certification bodies will check for conformity with FSC requirements, which can benefit users by having another third-party verifying conformity.

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