Material (3/3)
To ensure compliance, it is necessary to check if the supplier has provided a reference number for Due Diligence Statements for the materials they supply, where applicable. Up-to-date material accounting records for materials and products within the scope of the FSC Regulatory Module should be maintained, including:
Inputs: Due Diligence Statement reference number(s) and the Regulatory claim
Outputs: Due Diligence Statement reference number(s) and the Regulatory claim
Note 1: FSC claims might be accompanied by a Regulatory Claim such as FSC 100% / Regulatory+, FSC Mix Credit / Regulatory, except for claims of "FSC Recycled."
Note 2: When referring to the separation and/or identification of materials, it includes to non-eligible inputs entering FSC product groups in the scope of the FSC Regulatory Module. It also refers to materials for which relevant information about the risk of origin and risk of mixing has been obtained, and where the organization has not yet implemented adequate mitigation measures.
Note 3 (ONLY RELEVANT FOR SME): For small suppliers (SMEs) exempt from providing due diligence statements, seek for reference numbers from the next non-SME upstream supplier.